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Sunday, September 19, 2010

where are you from?

Sometimes the simplest question requires the most complicated answer.
For me that question is: where are you from?
When asked by another Indian, I often hesitate before replying, trying first to figure out what actual information the questioner is after. Is it where I was born? The origin of my ethnicity? Or where I have lived most of my life? Because in India, that question could mean all of the above.
I was born in Vijaywada.I spent my childhood in Goa,Hyderabad and the latter part of my college years in the Chennai and Karlskrona(Sweden). I have also spent considerable amount of time in liverpool, Singapore & Bangalore as part of my work.
Hyderabad is the city I’ve lived in the longest so far, so it makes sense for me to consider it home, but I always find this answer unsatisfactory and feel compelled to give additional commentary to clarify it – never mind that most only ask this question to make conversation.
In a multiethnic country like India, where we’re from matters, if only for the trivial purpose of satisfying our curiosity and our impulse to profile people. It’s amusing to be in a waiting area or on a flight, sitting next to a certain type of inquisitive person who tries to guess what your ethnicity is.

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